How can I register my child for Activity Connection Programs?
First log in to your profile at csh.recdesk.com; if you do not have a profile please create one!
Once you
are logged in, click at the top and then either select “All” or the
specific program “Connection” category you are seeking.
Once you
find your program, click
If you
cannot find the program you are looking for, type it in the search bar at the
top right.
If a program
you are interested in says please give us a call at
908-301-5548 or email us at activityconnection@childrens-specialized.org. We can try to add your child if
there is availability even after a program as started!
What are the staff qualifications?
All of our programs are run by either a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) or a program instructor. Our program instructors hold various certifications and qualifications required to practice their specialty (for example, our music therapist is a Board Certified Music Therapist, BCMT). All of our program assistants attend a thorough department orientation and are trained by our qualified staff.
Do I have to pay for classes or will my insurance cover the costs?
Unfortunately recreation programs are not covered through insurance and do have out of pocket costs. We never want program costs to prevent a child from participating in an enjoyable and preferred program - if you need any assistance please let our staff know and we can do our best to work with you.
Do you offer financial assistance?
Yes, we do! We offer payment plan programs that can be tailored to your preference. Children's Specialized Hospital also offers a financial assistance program based on your household income. If you need any information on financial assistance please contact us at 908-301-5548 or email us at activityconnection@childrens-specialized.org.
How can I apply for financial assistance?
You can either contact us at 908-301-5548 or email us at activityconnection@childrens-specialized.org for the "CSH Benefit Fund Application". You can also download the "CSH Benefit Fund Application" located on our website under "About Us" and "Forms". Once completed, please submit these forms according to the instructions on the application packet. Please note that these forms take time to process and funds will not be available for use immediately.
Can my other child/children participate even if they do not have a diagnosis? What about my child's friend who does not have a diagnosis?
Yes! We would love for any child to join us and we encourage children of all abilities to participate.
Do you offer sibling discounts?
Families registering more than one child for the same program costing more than $100 may receive a 10% sibling discount upon request. Sibling discounts are not applicable for aquatics nor summer camps. Please contact our staff for further information.
How do I submit required forms to you?
1. Forms can be printed and mailed to:
Children's Specialized Hospital
Attention: Activity Connection
150 New Providence Road
Mountainside, NJ 07092
2. Forms can be scanned and emailed to activityconnection@childrens-specialized.org.
3. Forms can be faxed to 908-301-5503
How will my child's records remain safe and confidential?
All participant forms are filed and stored in a locked and secure location within our department. Only our staff have access to these files.
If I cannot get my forms submitted on time, can my child still participate?
We must receive a completed and signed health form in order for your child to participate, no exceptions. This helps us ensure our staff are providing the safest and most positive environment possible.
How will I be notified if a class is cancelled?
In the event a class is cancelled, staff will send an email blast and text message to the class roster. If staff do not receive confirmation that you received that communication, a follow-up phone call will be made to ensure the message is received. You can also check the "Program Status" tab under "Announcements" on our website.
If my child misses a class can I schedule a make up?
We do not offer make up classes on an individual basis.
If my child misses a class will I get a refund or credit?
We do not offer refunds nor credits for absences.
If I do not like the class and decide to cancel my registration will I get a refund?
If you decide to cancel your registration after the first day you will receive a credit on your account to be used for future programs.
Do you offer free trials for a program that is new to my child?
Yes, we offer one time free trials for new participants. If your child enjoys the class and you wish to register for the remaining classes, you will be charged a fee that includes the cost for the class you trialed.
Who will support my child during class? What is the staff to participant ratio?
Our programs provide one-to-one support, as needed, by CSH volunteers. The staff to participant ratio for adaptive aquatics is always 1:1 whereas many non-aquatic program staff to participant ratios vary depending on the group dynamics.
Do you have a nurse onsite?
In the event of an emergency, we will call 9-1-1 for immediate assistance. For all camp programs, a nurse is onsite for the duration of the camp programs.
If my child does not meet the age requirement at time of registration but has a birthday during the middle/end of the session, can my child register?
Our programs have age ranges to allow for the most optimal group dynamic and environments possible. If your child will meet the age requirement towards the middle/end of the session we have two options - We offer a prorated rate for registration for the remainder of the classes once the age requirement is met. We also offer a free trial of the current session to see if your child would enjoy the program for the next full session. They must meet the age requirement at time of registration to participate in the full session.
How often do I need to submit forms?
Health forms must be submitted annually. Families receive an email notification that forms are expiring within 60 days and again in 30 days.
What are accepted forms of payment?
Cash, check and credit card (no American Express).
Do you take volunteers?
Absolutely! For volunteer inquiries, please contact our Volunteer Services Department at volunteers@childrens-specialized.org.
Does my child need a referral from a pediatrician or therapist?
No, we do not require a referral.
Do any of your programs partner with other therapies (PT, OT, Speech)?
Currently we provide two camp programs that provide interdisciplinary benefits - Camp Chatterbox is run with recreation and speech; True Grit SCI is run with recreation, OT, PT and Child Life.
What kind of documentation or progress report is recorded of my child's experience?
Currently we do not provide any documentation nor progress reports for program participation.
Can I send my own therapist or aid with my child to help support their needs?
If you wish to send another therapist and/or aid that is familiar with your child and working on specific goals, please communicate with our staff in advance so we can be prepared. Our staff can work with your child's therapist to ensure individual goals are included if possible for carryover, consistency and reinforcement.